Sunday, October 12, 2008

high school reunion

so my two best friends from high school came to visit me this weekend. colleen took a bus down here from fordham in new york, and madeleine flew down from miami of ohio. i cannot explain how happy i was. i am having the time of my life meeting new people, but it's so great to have a chance to catch up and reunite with your best friends from high school. what i love about our reunions is that it's as if we continued where we left off, as if we were never separated in the first place. i showed colleen and madeleine around campus and they loved it. they thought the mall was beautiful and that maryland was just so green and spirited (with the amount of people who was outside enjoying the fabulous day).
i took them to the shwayze concert with me, so they got to enjoy a good concert as well. 
on top of that, we took soooo many pictures. it's really ridiculous how much memory was used in the camera card haha. anywhoo, i was pretty sad when they left this morning to go back to school, but i know that now i can look forward to our next reunion and think about how much fun we had at this one :D

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