Thursday, December 11, 2008


i have recently become obsessed with youtube. you can type in any word in the search box and find a video that is relevent. when i am having a bad day or am in a gloomy mood, i tend to go to youtube and watch funny videos. kind of a loser thing to do, but the littlest things make me laugh. you find everything from people falling down, babies laughing, and just funniest home videos.
obviously i have no life. ha butt hey at least i'm a happy person!
hmmmwhat else,
when i'm bored, i go on this is probably the trashiest site ever. it's pretty much this fat man whose job is to blog about anything you can think of.. mainly about famous people. he takes pictures from the papparazzi and makes stupid litty witty comments about them. along with this, he gives reviews about various movies and tv shows, depending on their ratings. that's pretty much it. go see for yourself if you'd like


soo it is the week before finals, and i am definetly not as stressed out as everyone else is. the past three weeks, i had to write two 10 page papers, present a speech, and another presentation for sociology. im so happy that i sprawled my work over time, because i don't have everything mushed together in these last two weeks. the only thing i have left to do is take a comm final next tuesday. havnt started studying yet...

anywhoo i am soooo ready for christmas break. the evening after my finally on tuesday, i am going to california with my friend alessandra. i got a free ticket from american airlines and it allows me to go anywhere in the continental US so of course i decided to go the farthest away. i've never been there before, so i am quite excitied. i've only seen california through television shows and movies.
as corny as i am, i really want to see a famous person. i don't know why, haha but im fascinated with their fabulous works and am a movie lover.

alessandra and her family somehow got free tickets to the tiger woods gold tournament at sherwood country club, so i'm stoked...i don't lnow anything about golf..but i'm sure the experience of being around well-known golfers and celebrities will  be incredible. 

Thursday, December 4, 2008

plans for winter break

these last two weeks are seriously torture. although i only have one exam that i need to study for, i have various presentations and papers to do. christmas break is really the main motivation to get everything done.
i just want the 16th to come, because that is the day of my only exam, and that afternoon i get to go to california for the first time ever, because i got a free plane ticket. thank you american airlines. i'm gonna be staying for a week, until the 23rd, so hopefully i will be able to get all of my holiday shopping done.
apart from that, i will be returning for christmas, and thennnnnn go to chile to visit my family! i havnt been to chile in about three years...i miss it so much. and on top of that, it's summertime over there so i can come back nice and tan for 2nd semester.
i just cant wait for the time to relax and rest my brain from all this work.
i will definetly miss college and my friends over here, but i'm ready for some "me" and "family" time


so last year, a bunch of my friends became obsessed with the twilight book series. i promised that i would not get into the whole craze and wouldn't touch the book. little did i know that over the summer i would actually buy the book and get hooked. im not really a big reader, but that book definetly kept my attention. it was so good that iw ould read it really slowly..i still havnt finished the first one just because i havnt had time! kind of a bummer, considering that the movie is already out and i am dying to see it. i am promising myself that i wont see it until i read the book though. we will see how patient i am...

christmas music

i have recently become obsessed with christmas music. even before thanksgiving, i tuned into 97.1 (the typical maryland christmas station) and listened/sang along to christmas music. everytime i listen to christmas music, i get that tingly sensation in my belly. i think about snow, beautiful christmas lights, carriage rides next to central park in new york city, snowmen, presents, and mistletoe.
sounds kind of nerdy, but i dont know, that's just how i feel.
christmas is definetly my favorite holiday. the season just feels nice. and sometimes i find myself walking outside and just taking in a deep breath because the crisp air just feels so nice.
the only letdown of christmas is when its over. i feel that after oyu open your presents, its like okay, well that was it. haha until next year!

i have no idea what to get my family. have to start thinking about that

Missed blogs over Thanksgiving

So thanksgiving break honestly went by sooo extremely fast. i was bombarded with work to do days before we got let out, and stressed myself out way too much. i do have to acknowledge the fact that i am so grateful for some of my teacher's consideration: in that, two of my classes did not happen on the wednesday before thanksgiving..i was quite the happy girl.
on tuesday, i got a chance to reunite with my family, after about a week (haa, since i went home to do laundry). it was the first time that my brother, sister, and i were home at the same my parents were pretty happy about having the whole family together. we all ate dinner, gossiped about the latest news in eachothers lives, and simply enjoyed eachothers company. that wednesday, i got a chance to reunite with my old friends from high school...after school in high school, we would always go to california tortilla to get chips and quesp and this smoothie place called robeks so we could mingle and talk about for our reunion, we did the same and went to our typical. its good to know that every time we get back together its as if we have never been apart.
that night, i went out with my sister to a restaurant called clydes...very night place, except extremely expensive, with upper class people spending all their money on pricey wine and other alcoholic beverages. i had a great time just people watching the different types of people that were around.  Unfortunately, i had a minor awkward experience running into my ex boyfriend...soo that was pretty interesting slash a tad bit uncomfortable. 

Thursday was the big day of thanksgiving. i absolutely loooooove thanksgiving, althought i'm not gonna lie, the day is pretty brutal. i tend to not eat breakfast or lunch just so that i can save my appetite for the big meal that we have around 6 oclock in the evening. so my mouth was watering profusely as i smelled the turkey and all the other goods baking throughout the day. it was killer. my cousins from pennsilvania came to celebrate thanksgiving with us, so that was fun getting to catchup with everything sincei hadnt seen them in a while. 
i had about three full plates of thanksgiving dinner, which contributed to my inability to walk anywhere the rest of the night. i honestly have never eating that much, ever. 

i think i was about the only individual who did not go to the mall on black kind of happy though, cause heard a crazy story that some worker at walmart got trampled when they opened the doors and died! geezzzzz i dont understand people's obsessions with getting things early.

im looking forward to christmastime, alot. 

Sunday, November 23, 2008


i have a lotttttttt to do, and i am procrastinating way too much.
i have a communications paper due on tuesday that i have not started. it has to be seven pages (not that 7 pages is long...because it really isnt)..but it's just a difficult assignment because i do not really understand what is being taught in class. i ask questions but it doesnt seem to click. i also have a sociology exam on tuesday before thanksgiving which i have not started studying for yet.
i have noticed that i do work really well under pressure though. the last paper i had to write was also seven pages and i wrote it the night before at midnight and still managed to get an 89! this doesnt work all the time, but heyy i guess God was on my side on that one.
anywhooooooo i have a sweet tooth right now. i want a piece of chocolate.
wahooo another christmas commercial!
uhhhh i dont really know what else to write. i'm excited to go home for thanksgiving. i'm not far from home at all, but it will be so nice to just be in my house and not have to worry about something being due the next day. i  miss being with all my family