Thursday, December 4, 2008

Missed blogs over Thanksgiving

So thanksgiving break honestly went by sooo extremely fast. i was bombarded with work to do days before we got let out, and stressed myself out way too much. i do have to acknowledge the fact that i am so grateful for some of my teacher's consideration: in that, two of my classes did not happen on the wednesday before thanksgiving..i was quite the happy girl.
on tuesday, i got a chance to reunite with my family, after about a week (haa, since i went home to do laundry). it was the first time that my brother, sister, and i were home at the same my parents were pretty happy about having the whole family together. we all ate dinner, gossiped about the latest news in eachothers lives, and simply enjoyed eachothers company. that wednesday, i got a chance to reunite with my old friends from high school...after school in high school, we would always go to california tortilla to get chips and quesp and this smoothie place called robeks so we could mingle and talk about for our reunion, we did the same and went to our typical. its good to know that every time we get back together its as if we have never been apart.
that night, i went out with my sister to a restaurant called clydes...very night place, except extremely expensive, with upper class people spending all their money on pricey wine and other alcoholic beverages. i had a great time just people watching the different types of people that were around.  Unfortunately, i had a minor awkward experience running into my ex boyfriend...soo that was pretty interesting slash a tad bit uncomfortable. 

Thursday was the big day of thanksgiving. i absolutely loooooove thanksgiving, althought i'm not gonna lie, the day is pretty brutal. i tend to not eat breakfast or lunch just so that i can save my appetite for the big meal that we have around 6 oclock in the evening. so my mouth was watering profusely as i smelled the turkey and all the other goods baking throughout the day. it was killer. my cousins from pennsilvania came to celebrate thanksgiving with us, so that was fun getting to catchup with everything sincei hadnt seen them in a while. 
i had about three full plates of thanksgiving dinner, which contributed to my inability to walk anywhere the rest of the night. i honestly have never eating that much, ever. 

i think i was about the only individual who did not go to the mall on black kind of happy though, cause heard a crazy story that some worker at walmart got trampled when they opened the doors and died! geezzzzz i dont understand people's obsessions with getting things early.

im looking forward to christmastime, alot. 

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