Thursday, December 11, 2008


soo it is the week before finals, and i am definetly not as stressed out as everyone else is. the past three weeks, i had to write two 10 page papers, present a speech, and another presentation for sociology. im so happy that i sprawled my work over time, because i don't have everything mushed together in these last two weeks. the only thing i have left to do is take a comm final next tuesday. havnt started studying yet...

anywhoo i am soooo ready for christmas break. the evening after my finally on tuesday, i am going to california with my friend alessandra. i got a free ticket from american airlines and it allows me to go anywhere in the continental US so of course i decided to go the farthest away. i've never been there before, so i am quite excitied. i've only seen california through television shows and movies.
as corny as i am, i really want to see a famous person. i don't know why, haha but im fascinated with their fabulous works and am a movie lover.

alessandra and her family somehow got free tickets to the tiger woods gold tournament at sherwood country club, so i'm stoked...i don't lnow anything about golf..but i'm sure the experience of being around well-known golfers and celebrities will  be incredible. 

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