Thursday, December 4, 2008

plans for winter break

these last two weeks are seriously torture. although i only have one exam that i need to study for, i have various presentations and papers to do. christmas break is really the main motivation to get everything done.
i just want the 16th to come, because that is the day of my only exam, and that afternoon i get to go to california for the first time ever, because i got a free plane ticket. thank you american airlines. i'm gonna be staying for a week, until the 23rd, so hopefully i will be able to get all of my holiday shopping done.
apart from that, i will be returning for christmas, and thennnnnn go to chile to visit my family! i havnt been to chile in about three years...i miss it so much. and on top of that, it's summertime over there so i can come back nice and tan for 2nd semester.
i just cant wait for the time to relax and rest my brain from all this work.
i will definetly miss college and my friends over here, but i'm ready for some "me" and "family" time

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