Sunday, November 23, 2008


i have a lotttttttt to do, and i am procrastinating way too much.
i have a communications paper due on tuesday that i have not started. it has to be seven pages (not that 7 pages is long...because it really isnt)..but it's just a difficult assignment because i do not really understand what is being taught in class. i ask questions but it doesnt seem to click. i also have a sociology exam on tuesday before thanksgiving which i have not started studying for yet.
i have noticed that i do work really well under pressure though. the last paper i had to write was also seven pages and i wrote it the night before at midnight and still managed to get an 89! this doesnt work all the time, but heyy i guess God was on my side on that one.
anywhooooooo i have a sweet tooth right now. i want a piece of chocolate.
wahooo another christmas commercial!
uhhhh i dont really know what else to write. i'm excited to go home for thanksgiving. i'm not far from home at all, but it will be so nice to just be in my house and not have to worry about something being due the next day. i  miss being with all my family 

my big fat greek weddin

so here i am, in my room watching my big fat greek wedding on tbs. this is one of my all time favorite movies.
i can find some relations to my family, purely because my family is loud and obnoxious when we are all together. on top of that, everytime i see tula's father in the movie, i just think about my dad. not only do they look alike, but they have the same mannerisms. my dad is super foreign and i love him for it.
watching this movie is making me hungry. they keep eating all this greek food with different kinds of meats and sauces. yumm.
i'd love to go to greece one day. i just love europe in general. it's so much cooler than america, mainly because everyone over there is so laid back. i feel that americans are too uptight, they plan way too much and don't "go with the flow" or live in the moment.
maybe i'll do a study abroad in greece or something...who knows.

christmas is comingg

so i have realized that i am extremely excited for christmastime. i know its not even thanksgiving yet, but recently there have been massive amounts of commercials that include christmastrees and christmas music. everytime i hear part of a christmas song or bells or something like that, i get a little tingly sensation in my belly. i just love the season. i love wintertime and the crisp air outside. i'm fan of christmas shopping and finding presents for my loved ones.
obviously i'm hyped.
i'm thinking that over winter break, i'll try to see if i can go to new york for a few days just because i absolutely love the city with all the lights. once you're there, it just feels good.
now i have to start thinking about what i am going to ask for christmas. honestly, i have everything that i need. i don't want anything in's so much harder to think about waht i want just because i'm pretty much over all the materialistic things.
i gotta start brainstorming...for myself, and for my family.
i've noticed that my father is quite difficult to shop for.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

tim gunn

sooooo the famous tim gunn, who is from the show project runway, came to maryland to do an hour long lecture about fashion in the working industry...
my friend perri and i are obsessed with the show, so of course we showed up at stamp union two hours before the lecture started to make sure we would get seats next to the podium.
as a fasion statement/to joke around, we purposely work any time of mismatched clothing so we could get attention from him. i was the fool sitting in the fourth row wearing a mexican sombrero and blocking everybody's view.
anywhoo, tim gunn is a lovely man. he spoke without any papers or notecards..all from memory. it was extremely impressive. along with that, his voice is just simply soothing to the ear!.at the end of the lecture
everybody bombarded and surrounded him.
perri and i managed to talk to him and get the convo on camera, so we have our little tim gunn adventure documented.

on saturday i went to annapolis with my two best friends to go get some crabs. much love to's beautiful, very picturesque and the naval academy students are not bad either!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

thanksgiving break

i dont think you realize how excited i am for thanksgiving break. it has only been a little over two months of school, but it seems like it's been so much longer! on top of that, i feel that i havnt had a break in regards to work. i constantly have papers, tests, and exams due to my communication major and typical freshman requirements. not that im complaining or anything...i'm just kind of stressed. i am extremely jealous that other colleges and universitys have a fall break. i think it would be nice if maryland had one. although i absolutely love the fact that our winter break is about a month long.

im excited to get to be with my family and eat everything in sight. along with this, my best friend alessandra is gonna spend thanksgiving with me because she can't go back to california over break, so that makes me happy :)

the food network

so i have recently become obsessed with the food network. mainly because one of my best friend here doesnt have a tv in her room, so during her free time, she bombards my room and turns on the same channel every time.
i have never really watched shows on the food network, but lately, i have been enjoying them. its crazy to see how many different types of cuisines and delicacies there are in the world. i get to see the world's most famous restaurants with the weirdest themes. 
in one show, they talked about this place in philly called Cereality, which was a restaurant that only served cereal! they make different concoctions with any type of cereal or nut. i would love to go there...cereal is probably one of my favorite foods.
the only bad thing about watching the food network is that i always watch on an empty stomach. so instead of being content while watching tv, i am distracted by my grumby stomach and watery mouth, wishing i could be eating what the chefs are making on the tv :)

Sunday, November 9, 2008


so today i went to the circus du solei or however you spell it. and wow, it was just amazing! i never heard of this type of circus until i saw the movie knocked up. and i'm sure the shows that they have in vegas and new york are so much more incredible than ones they show in virginia...but seriously, i was very veryy impressed. so pretty much, i got there not really knowing what to expect. as we drove into the parking lot, i saw huge tents that were blue and yellow. i felt like a little kid...i had butterflies in my stomach. the last time i went to the circus was the 5th grade or so.
anyways, my roomie and i walked inside the tents and right there were stands full of circus du solei merchandise. they had various masks, sweatshirts, mugs, umbrellas...anything you can think of. most of the stuff was pretty tacky, and wayyyy overpriced. on top of that, there were food stands, selling legitamite plates. the paninis looked delcious, and my mouth watered when i looked at the salmon salad. next to the food stand was an open bar, selling nice wine which was poured into a cheap plastic cup. i never realized how fancy these types of shows can be. as i looked around, all i saw were older white couples, who looked as if they were well off. i should have figured this circus would be full of these types of people, considering that the ticket was $125. (i dont think i would ever pay that much for a ticket...but hey, it was an invitation, so i got it for free :)

now for the circus part. the theme had to do with some sort of asian territory. the acts did not have much speaking...they mostly consisted of incredible acrobatic stunts. one of the acts that amazed me the most were these three girls who were all double jointed. they could bend their bodies in ways that aren't right. everytime i saw them hunch over and do certain stands or flips and stuff, i would get a tingly feeling in my stomach. it looked like they were going to break in half!
another stunt which amazed me was one in which this man balanced on an extremely high stack of chairs. he was so was kind of gross.
there were other stunts that were pretty ridiculous as well, but i cant really describe them. you had to be there

anyways, all in all, those performers make it seem so easy. i can't imagine how much practice they had...

Thursday, November 6, 2008


i am currently sitting next to stephanie strommer. we have every single class together. every single one.
we are waiting for sociology to begin, and are quite bitter. we don't really get anything done in this class. the teacher spends half of the time talking about what we will be doing in class and then spends the rest of the class lecturing about things that don't even have to do with what we've read. it makes me mad because i spend about an hour and a half reading each chapter and dont talk about any of the information i am learning in class.
apart from that, when the teacher has to tell us someting, she typically sends the message in an email. however, i dont recieve these emails until 12 at night...and frankly, sometimes i want to go to bed early! this is ridiculous. i think i'm just in a bad mood today or something, i dont know. 

Sunday, November 2, 2008

One long blog

I have had a pretty hectic week. Not only was this week Halloween week, but it was also a week filled with insane amounts of work. I had a math exam, english paper, and comm speech to do. The english paper wasnt that bad...considering the fact that i enjoy the class and don't mind writing papers about issues that i care about. The math test and comm speech on the other hand are two completely different stories. Math is definetly not my subject. I don't have fun doing it. and if you don't understand one part, then you most likely won't understand future equations because everything builds up and is related to eachother. comm on the other hand is more fun. i love to talk and communicate with people. however, i am not a huge fan of public speaking. for some reason, when i get in front of people and speak, my legs shake and i studder with my words haha. so for this speech, i had to prepare like whoaa because the speech had to last seven minutes. seven minutes does not seem like a very long time, but when its you who has to have something to say every moment, it gets pretty intense!
i managed to finish up all my work by halloween, so halloween night was pretty much the greatest feeling, knowing that i didnt have loads of work to do.
halloween itself was extremely fun. i got to go out and have a great time with my good group of friends. i dressed up as a gypsy/arab dancer thing...using pieces of clothing that i bought and a coin sarong thing that i bought in spain. many people believe that halloween only lasts one night, but not in college park! i dressed up three times. the second time i was a cereal box...special k to be precise. and the third day i dressed up as Eve from adam and eve. that costume was made in 5 minutes.

okaaaaay so now the whack part of my weekend comes into place:
last thursday, i got a call from my doctor telling me that my blood test tested positive for mono. this weekend, on halloween night, one of my good guy friends decided to give me a "bear" hug in which he squeezed me extremely hard and picked me up. He put huge amounts of pressure onto my abdominal area and caused me to be in pain. so what does this have to do with anything? wellll when you have mono, your liver and spleen tend to swell as a reaction to the virus. so pretty much, my friend could have ruptured my spleen...
anyways, the next day, i began having serious stomach pains and pains on my was unbearable. i couldnt stand up and it hurt me to breath...this resulted in me going to the hospital.
i had to get a sonogram in order to check my spleen and liver. my spleen is fine. however, my liver is extremely tender and swollen. apart from that, my doctor made me get and xray for my ribcage because he thought one was broken due to the "bear" hug. who knew that a simple hug could do so much to the body? anyways, my ribs are fine, thank god. butttttt i was told that i have to stay in bed for a couple of days and try to avoid movement. so therefore, i am here in my bed laying down, writing one long blog so i dont have to do three of them.

in conclusion, i have realized three things. one, i hate math. two, i'm good at making last minute halloween costumes, and three, everyone has to be careful when they recieve hugs from friends.
