Sunday, November 23, 2008

my big fat greek weddin

so here i am, in my room watching my big fat greek wedding on tbs. this is one of my all time favorite movies.
i can find some relations to my family, purely because my family is loud and obnoxious when we are all together. on top of that, everytime i see tula's father in the movie, i just think about my dad. not only do they look alike, but they have the same mannerisms. my dad is super foreign and i love him for it.
watching this movie is making me hungry. they keep eating all this greek food with different kinds of meats and sauces. yumm.
i'd love to go to greece one day. i just love europe in general. it's so much cooler than america, mainly because everyone over there is so laid back. i feel that americans are too uptight, they plan way too much and don't "go with the flow" or live in the moment.
maybe i'll do a study abroad in greece or something...who knows.

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