Sunday, November 23, 2008

christmas is comingg

so i have realized that i am extremely excited for christmastime. i know its not even thanksgiving yet, but recently there have been massive amounts of commercials that include christmastrees and christmas music. everytime i hear part of a christmas song or bells or something like that, i get a little tingly sensation in my belly. i just love the season. i love wintertime and the crisp air outside. i'm fan of christmas shopping and finding presents for my loved ones.
obviously i'm hyped.
i'm thinking that over winter break, i'll try to see if i can go to new york for a few days just because i absolutely love the city with all the lights. once you're there, it just feels good.
now i have to start thinking about what i am going to ask for christmas. honestly, i have everything that i need. i don't want anything in's so much harder to think about waht i want just because i'm pretty much over all the materialistic things.
i gotta start brainstorming...for myself, and for my family.
i've noticed that my father is quite difficult to shop for.

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