Tuesday, September 30, 2008


so i decided that i'm gonna go home this thursday. my dad's gonna pick me up around 2:30 and i'll have the oppurtunity to have dinner with my family and get a longgg nice bath. the only person who knows that i'm coming home is my dad...so it's pretty much a surprise for my mom, sister, and nanny.
maybe this time i will actually do my own laundry now that i have learned!
other than that, i'm expecting to get some homework done, so maybe i won't have too much to do over the weekend.
i'm excited to get a home cooked meal. other than that, the fact that i'll be sleeping in my own bed will be really nice.
it'll be weird to be away from the college atmosphere, but at least my roomie is gonna be a block away from my house bc she lives in my neighborhood and is coming home as well!
wahooo. ha


soo as obvious as it is, i am a college student. aka, i have no money. as i wrote before, i recently got a job selling tickets for concerts that are held on route one...i don't get paid  very well, so that type of money is used as "pocket money" and is spent rather quickly. 
the other money i spend comes from my parents. i am so grateful that they take the time to work everyday in order to provide a happy life for their three children. as i've been in college, i've tried to cut down on my spendings. everything here is so expensive. i spend about 20 dollars on food each day (whether it be at the diner or at an outside food place). on top of that, the terp bucks go so fast, due to the fact that i buy convenient things at the union shop and convenient store in north campus. 
i miss summertime when i could make real money.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

first exam

i just posted a blog a second ago, but i have something else to write about, so why not do it right away? i had my first college "exam" today. it was for my sociology class, where i learn how individuals in society interact with eachother and the world they live in. i was pretty nervous while studying for it, considering that i had no idea what type of format it would be. anywho, i studied with a group of people last night, and again in another group during our break in between classes. i felt prepared. 
i took the test and realized that it was really not that bad. i think i've had harder tests in high school.  


so my neighbor ale and i got a job this weekend. we have to sell about 150 tickets for the red hot chili peppers cover band concert at santa fe this weekend. each ticket is $12. today we sold about 5o in an hour...pretty good. i have no idea how much we are getting paid though. either way, i am a college student that is broke half the time, so a little money seems pretty nice right now. not sure if any of you are fan of the red hot chili peppers, but you should definetly check them out. they play rock/alternative music that can chill you out if you're in those blah moods when you over-analyze everything that has been happening in your life.


i am bitter. this weekend, i woke up and had no voice for some reason. no, i did not go out or anything..haha i just woke up mute. weird. anywho, i guess that no voice aspect was the genesis of my cold. because this past week i had massive headaches, which later changed to a sore throat, and now, a sinus thing. gross. i hate being sick in college...mainly because my mother is not here to check up on me and make me tea/ feed me etc. hhaha and on top of that, i have not been getting sleep because i've had ridiculous cough attacks throughout the night. i feel bad for my rooomie. 

ummmmmmm. it is cold. i hate this rainy weather...i lost my umbrella somewhere in my room and cannot find it.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

good stuff

So i finally learned how to do laundry! 
Uhh I don't really know what to write about. I'm home at the moment. I decided to come back just so i could get some homework done, and it's not really working. my parents are super distracting, coming in every minute, asking if i'm doing okay. apart from that, my dad is listening to really loud techno music because he's trying to be cool....so i can't hear myself think or get math done. blahhh.

the game this weekend was pretty fun. i still don't know half of the cheers, but i'm slowly learning, and am moving my arms around pretending like i know what i'm doing.
yesterday was a bitter day for me though...my neighbor and i weren't hungry for dinner until about 8....and with our luck, we go to the diner and it's closed. so we decided to see if adele's was open...but it was closed too. we had to walk all the way to route one from centreville. whomp. 

Friday, September 19, 2008

draft of narrative in class

For my paper, I will tell the story about my working experience during my junior year of high school. i worked at a store called toys etc in potomac maryland. my brother was the one who first started working there, and when he left for college, he told his manager that i would replace his position as a sales associate. aka i was pretty much forced to work there.
junior year in general is hard. you have to keep your grades up because those are the ones that really "count," and you're in the middle of deciding where you should start looking to go to college...

not finished!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


So i'm assuming all of you know how to do your laundry. And i'm going to be completely honest...i still don't know how to do it. you see, i was born in chile, and ever since i was little, i had a "nanny" (aka a babysitter who was also our housekeeper) and she ended up moving with us when we came to america. anywho, my nanny, who is pretty much my second mother, has always done my laundry. no, i am not spoiled, but everytime i had something dirty back at home, she would beat me to it and wash it immediately.

when i told my nanny i was going to maryland, she was excited, and told me that over the summer, she was going to teach me to wash my clothes. so, summer passed by, and i procrastinated...she continued washing my dirty clothes. soon, it was the day before move-in, and i still didnt know how to do laundry.
a week after move-in day, i found myself to be in trouble. i had sweaty clothes from the gym and clothes that i wore to class that needed to be washed. what to do? well, my roomie didnt know how to do laundry, and my neighbors didnt either. so pretty much i was screwed.
so what did i do? i called home. my mom came to the rescue. on the second saturday after move in day, she came to pick me up and take me home so i could do laundry. i got home, and once again, my nanny beat me to the laundry. 

when i got back to my dorm, she later called me and told me that the reason she didnt teach me was so that i'd have to go home and visit more often :)

First Look Fair

so after english class today, ersin, steph and i decided to go check out the first look fair. it pretty much dominated half of the mall, and was covered with colorful balloons, and tons of tables set up with various clubs and organizations that you can sign up for. it was super chaotic, with lots of people walking around and so many things being given away. when we first got there, we all spinned this wheel that belonged to a hair salon. i won a half price on a shampoo and haircut, and ersin won a completely free haircut. haa he would. anyways, they kept giving away free notebooks, so i totally took advantage of those. i kept going in circles, receiving the notebooks and putting them into my bag. i have five now. ha, so now i dont have to spend money or hassle around notebooks that i bought from cvs, all the way back to my dorm in centreville.

apart from all the freebees i got, i signed up for the surf club. no, i do not know how to surf, and i have no sense of balance whatsoever. so that'll be a good old time. im also thinking about joining a sorority next semester...we'll see what happens. as long as i dont join one where there are girls who are obsessed with themselves, then i'm good. 

Friday, September 12, 2008

randomest post ever.

So i'm not really sure what to write about so i am just going to say what's on my mind:

1. i am really hating this weather. i dislike misty rain...if it's gonna rain, rain hard. ha. 2. i just had the most delicious sandwich from bagel palace...so if you're hungry and want something tasty i definetly reccomend getting something from that place. 3. i am sooo tired...i went to bed late last night and got up at 9 to go to english. 4. i'm going to salisbury tonight to go surprise a friend for her birthday...should be fun. 5. i'm just realizing how much i love water..hahah i have killed about 3 full cases all by myself since i've been here. 6. i miss my bed back at home.. 7. i missed the vmas, whompp...supposidley britney spears came back and was fabulous. 8. i love pop music. for some reason i'm listening to hanson at the moment. remember mmmbop? yeah, i was definetly a hanson groupie..even though they looked like girls. 9. i finally was able to buy the engagements with rhetoric book, wahoooo 10. i love the italia soccer team. not only are all the players beautiful (and have perfect hair that could be on a pantene pro-v commercial), but watching them play is just fantastic. 11. i feel like the biggest nerd because i pretty much did all my homework for the weekend on monday, aka i have nothing to do. 12. i cant go to the gym today bc of salisbury..bummer. 13. my parents dropped off winter coats today, and a backpack...so hopefully now my right shoulder won't be dead anymore from carrying my books in a shoulder bag. 14. i have recently been reading the twilight book series..good stuff, i approve. weird though, cause normally i'm not into fantasy and vampire stuff. 15. my feet hurt. 16. my roomie fell asleep on my bed? haha weird. 17. i need to clean my room. 18. i still don't know how to do laundry (aka my parents took clothes with them back home and are bringing it back on sunday yaay 19. my ring tone for my cell phone is starting to annoy me. 20. lalalalalalalala im bored.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

No freshman 15 for me! ha

Sooo, before i came to college, every single person told me to watch how much i eat and drink because the first year of college, everybody tends to gain the dreaded freshman 15. i've been at school now for about two weeks and think that the freshman 15 really isnt affecting me yet. i'm still trying to figure out my eating schedule, considering that almost every day i start classes at 9:30 and im not done til 1:45, so i've pretty much been skipping lunch time orrrrr eating a really late lunch. i've been pretty healthy lately, having lots of salads with chicken, drinking massive amounts of water, and taking the stairs (not elevator) to my floor at centreville. not only do i get exercise by going to the gym every day, but with my luck, my english 101 class is allllllll the way at the other side of campus. so its definetly a "waker upper" every monday morning.

i tried out that smoothie place at the gym today. pretty good stuff in there if you ask me. everything is super fruity and exotic. not to mention the good selection of little wraps and sandwiches. i'm a fan.
i've also noticed that i have become a big tea drinker. no, i am not a grandmother, buttt tea seems to chill me out for some reason. if i drink it before i go to bed it lets me fall asleep quicker (my dorm is always sooo hottt that its hard to fall aleep).  so pretty much in this blog i have made myself sound like a nerdy health freak. i'm really not though. i love junk food, haha i;m just trying to be good and come home normal and not a blob full of beer. haaaaa

Monday, September 8, 2008

First Blog

So i've pretty much decided that i love public school. i have been to an all girl's catholic school since the 6th grade and feel as if i did not really have a real high school experience. first, there were no boys, second, we had to ask our OWN date to prom, and third, there were no football games. now that i'm at maryland, i feel so happy that i can meet different groups of people (including guys haa). i have the oppurtunity to mingle with diverse people and be exposed to various activities that i could not be part of in high school. although maryland is a huge change from what i'm used to, (considering that i only had about 15 girls in each of my classes last year), i am having the time of my life. i feel that my high school definetly prepared me for the work that needs to be done in college and believe that i will gain a great education thanks to this institution. 

along with the whole, me being happy about the school, i am also feeling great about my dorm. although the walls feel like a prison because they are only cinderblock, my roomie (who happens to be my best friend since i was two) and i have found to decorate our room in a way that feels like home. it's kind of a bummer that our tv has only one channel though, and that channel can be used for good old nintendo 64. so if anyone knows how to fix tvs or wants to simply play a game of mariokart, you are more than welcome to haha. 

i havea good amount of reading to do today, blahh. so i guess i'll write in this later? haa thanks for reading my first blog. its kind of awkward, but its something!