Wednesday, September 17, 2008

First Look Fair

so after english class today, ersin, steph and i decided to go check out the first look fair. it pretty much dominated half of the mall, and was covered with colorful balloons, and tons of tables set up with various clubs and organizations that you can sign up for. it was super chaotic, with lots of people walking around and so many things being given away. when we first got there, we all spinned this wheel that belonged to a hair salon. i won a half price on a shampoo and haircut, and ersin won a completely free haircut. haa he would. anyways, they kept giving away free notebooks, so i totally took advantage of those. i kept going in circles, receiving the notebooks and putting them into my bag. i have five now. ha, so now i dont have to spend money or hassle around notebooks that i bought from cvs, all the way back to my dorm in centreville.

apart from all the freebees i got, i signed up for the surf club. no, i do not know how to surf, and i have no sense of balance whatsoever. so that'll be a good old time. im also thinking about joining a sorority next semester...we'll see what happens. as long as i dont join one where there are girls who are obsessed with themselves, then i'm good. 

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