Thursday, September 11, 2008

No freshman 15 for me! ha

Sooo, before i came to college, every single person told me to watch how much i eat and drink because the first year of college, everybody tends to gain the dreaded freshman 15. i've been at school now for about two weeks and think that the freshman 15 really isnt affecting me yet. i'm still trying to figure out my eating schedule, considering that almost every day i start classes at 9:30 and im not done til 1:45, so i've pretty much been skipping lunch time orrrrr eating a really late lunch. i've been pretty healthy lately, having lots of salads with chicken, drinking massive amounts of water, and taking the stairs (not elevator) to my floor at centreville. not only do i get exercise by going to the gym every day, but with my luck, my english 101 class is allllllll the way at the other side of campus. so its definetly a "waker upper" every monday morning.

i tried out that smoothie place at the gym today. pretty good stuff in there if you ask me. everything is super fruity and exotic. not to mention the good selection of little wraps and sandwiches. i'm a fan.
i've also noticed that i have become a big tea drinker. no, i am not a grandmother, buttt tea seems to chill me out for some reason. if i drink it before i go to bed it lets me fall asleep quicker (my dorm is always sooo hottt that its hard to fall aleep).  so pretty much in this blog i have made myself sound like a nerdy health freak. i'm really not though. i love junk food, haha i;m just trying to be good and come home normal and not a blob full of beer. haaaaa

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